We live in the world of digital collections. Everyone wants the ability to control their photos, post them where they want and print anywhere. However, there is also something really nice about having a physical photo in front of you. It’s tangible. It will exist forever. This is what I offer digital collections as an answer to get the best of both worlds.
My digital collections offer photos available via download with the ability to print on your own. That means you can make your own invitations, create a guest book for graduation or simply just print your photos online. The collections also include a print credit. Now, what does that mean? The print credit simply gives you a certain dollar amount to spend in the Print Store attached to your seniors gallery to get professional quality photos and products.
Let’s say you don’t want to spend your own time making a memory book. Use your print credit through the Print Store and I will make one for you. But you also have the digitals to print out wallets for all of your friends and family. Make sense?

Jacob Bringle || Lac Qui Parle Valley Senior
Location: Madison MN & Surrounding Area
Love Jacob’s senior session and want more information to book your own? Click HERE
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